Steps to begin your writing journey

Donald M. Murray states that "‎Writing is the process of discovery through language" and I agree.

It is the process of carefully crafting out words to convey what we learn about our world, or how our minds work.

What if we let go of the thought of becoming a best selling author, and just focus on writing, and how best we can learn to put words together to convey our message.

It's needful we frame our minds to becoming the best we can be of our art, and learning as much as we can in the process.

 READ PREVIOUS POST Writers Corner: 4 major reasons people write

As writers we go through the process of:


1. Outlining: Involves penning down your ideas, and grouping them.

For fiction writers it would be, writing out your plot, character, setting, and theme.


2. First draft: The first draft is where you basically just write, and flesh out your story or thoughts.


3. Editing: This involves going through your work, checking for spellings, punctuations, proofreading, and making it readable.


It's indeed an exciting and eventful process, and all great published books went through this process.

When you write, let go of the concept of the “Product-as-End-Goal.” A lot of fear and tension is mitigated when we just focus on the process of writing rather than the product.

If there is one thing I've been emphasizing here, it is write,write,write. Starting out shamelessly, and trusting the process.

Writers who would be exceptional must realize the writing craft requires shifting focus from the product to the process of arriving there.


Got questions, ask!!!

Author: Imani Dokubo

For further enquries, reach Dokubo through


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