Writers Corner: 4 major reasons people write

People venture into writing for specific reasons without grasping the major reasons for writing.

Back in secondary school, I had a friend who wrote short stories I anticipated to read each time. She could tell stories that make your imaginations come alive, and leave you yearning for more.

I noticed people's reaction to her stories made her write more, and I did my best to tell her how amazing her stories were so she could keep at it. This I'm sure is true for some writers, and a reason for them to write; word of mouth and positive affirmation from people.

When asked the question, why do you write?

I am sure a lot comes to mind.

Some write because it's the best way they can express themselves, some because it's the only thing they are good at, and others who really crave to impact the world with words.

READ PREVIOUS POST The Mindset every Writer must have

There are lots of valid reasons why people write, but they can all be categorized under these:


1. To inform


2. ‎To entertain


3. ‎To persuade


4. ‎To inspire

Where do you fall in?

Do you see yourself writing more for a particular reason?

When you sit to pen down thoughts, what comes to mind?

To Inspire, to inform, to persuade or to entertain?

I'll love to know your thoughts.


Author: Imani Dokubo

For further enquries, reach Dokubo through contactimanidokubo@gmail.com


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